Portfolio Construction
Asset Allocation
When building portfolios, we consider all the economic and technical market conditions that influence our exposures to the main asset classes of equities, bonds, property and cash. We benchmark our portfolios against the Investment Association Mixed Investment Sectors for asset allocation and for risk management.
We use a tactical approach as this allows us the flexibility to allocate to the assets, sectors and longer term funds that we believe will provide the most effective risk adjusted returns for you in the longer tr.
Regular Investment and Market Update Webinars
We believe that giving you access to the in-house Investment team is a key part of offering you the best investment service, and after each Quarterly Investment Committee meeting we host webinars that all clients are welcome to attend. We cover both generic market updates and portfolio changes as well as specific themed topics including Socially Responsible Investing, income investing and market volatility etc. As well as being able to submit questions in advance of the webinars, clients are welcome to discuss all investment related queries with the team at the end of the webinars.
Whatever your investment experience, our teams are here to help and support you on your investment journey.