
What is Financial Freedom?

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Professional financial advice matters by helping you make informed decisions about how to best allocate your resources.

Financial planning is a crucial step towards achieving financial freedom and security. By taking the time to thoroughly evaluate your needs and personal goals, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about how to best allocate your resources.

With a comprehensive professional financial plan in hand, you’ll have the confidence and peace of mind to pursue your short-term goals and work towards your long-term future. With professional guidance, you’ll be inspired to realise that you have far more resources at your disposal than you ever imagined.

Early retirement

According to a recent study, UK consumers who receive professional financial advice can expect to retire on average three years earlier than those who do not seek professional advice, with advised consumers planning for retirement at age 66 as opposed to non-advised consumers who expect to retire at 69[1].

This underlines the positive impact that professional financial advice can have on retirement preparations, with those who seek advice feeling better equipped for their later years. The study identified that twice as many people who seek financial advice create a detailed spending plan in retirement compared to those who don’t take advice, with 45% of advised people falling under this category as opposed to 18% of non-advised consumers.

Enjoying retirement

Financially advised consumers expect to fund their retirement for a longer period, with an average of 23 years, compared to 17 years for non-advised people before pertinent cutbacks must be made. In addition, the study reveals that financial planning tends to be beneficial for people already in retirement.

Almost all (96%) of wealthy retirees who did a great deal of financial planning or just planned their finances slightly say they’re enjoying their retirement, dropping to 72% among those who have done no financial planning.

How much do I need to retire

Regrets for non-advised retirees are more pronounced, with the majority stating that they require more money in retirement compared to their original estimates, and that they wished they had planned more thoroughly, compared to advised people.

Despite having a higher household income, 23% of wealthier pensioners, with an income of between £40,000 and £49,999, wished they had planned more thoroughly, indicating that the value of advice remains consistent regardless of income.

Retirement Planning Services

Planning for retirement can be overwhelming, leading to several considerations, making financial advice crucial for people to feel more confident and prepared about their future. The research results underscore the significant variation between the retirement plans and experiences of those who have taken advantage of financial advice and those who haven’t.

The research findings demonstrate the value of professional financial advice in terms of the retirement age and the enjoyment of one’s retired life. Start planning today, and take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow.

Financial Planning Services

Financial planning can certainly feel complicated at first glance, but with the right guidance, it can be a smooth and stress-free process. At every step of your financial planning journey, we’re dedicated to providing you with accessible financial advice to support you in making informed decisions about your finances.

Cash Flow Forecasting

Our Financial Advisers use sophisticated cash flow forecasting software which helps you to visualise your expenditure, income and preferred lifestyle. It also allows us to simulate different scenarios and stress test how much financial resilience you may have to factors outside of your control, such as life events, economic changes and volatile markets.

If you have any concerns about your financial future or would like to find out more, please contact us.

Source data: [1] Boxclever conducted research for Standard Life among 6,000 UK adults. Fieldwork was conducted between 6 Sept–16 October 2022. Data was weighted post-fieldwork to ensure the data remained nationally representative on key demographics. Comparisons to data from last year are taken from Boxclever research among 4,896 UK adults conducted between 16-23 July 2021.

Cost of living and retirement

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Cost of living and retirement

Over 2.5 million people aged 55+ think they will work beyond their state pension age.

  • 23% are uncertain of how long their retirement savings will last.
  • 18% admit to not having made preparations for when they stop working.
  • 45% worry their health will deteriorate as a result of continuing to work.
  • 35% are concerned their health will affect their ability to remain employed.
  • 16% are concerned about being treated differently because of their age.
  • 16% worry about not being able to spend enough time with their family.

If you are concerned about the cost of living and retirement then please get in touch to discuss how our retirement planning services can help you.

How to decide when to retire

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A couple sat working through their finances and pension planning

Over a third of over-55s think they will work beyond their state pension age.

We are witnessing a surge in the number of people giving retirement a second thought due to inflation rates and the cost of living crisis. Not only are more individuals looking to work beyond their State Pension age, but some are returning to employment after retiring due to increasing financial pressures.

Over 2.5 million people aged 55 and over will be impacted by the long-term effects of financial insecurity and think they will continue to work past their State Pension age. Additionally, half of those aged 55 and over don’t believe their pension is enough to fund their retirement, a survey has revealed[1].

Increasing cost of living

Nearly four in ten over-55s who are not retired anticipate having to work past their State Pension age due to the increasing cost of living. Financial concerns surrounding retirement funding are the top drivers behind working beyond State Pension age.

A quarter (23%) are uncertain of how long their retirement savings will last, and almost one-fifth (18%) admit to not having made any preparations for when they stop working.

Ability to remain employed

Nearly half (46%) of the millions of older workers expecting to work past their State Pension age are apprehensive that doing so will mean they can’t enjoy their later years.

Health, too, is another major concern, with nearly half (45%) worrying their health will deteriorate as a result of having to continue working and more than a third (35%) concerned it will affect their ability to remain employed.

Heavy financial strain

Worryingly, 16% are concerned about being treated differently or worse at work because of their age and the same number worried about not being able to spend enough time with their family due to work commitments.

Looking ahead, the older workforce is expected to be crucial to the UK’s economic recovery as it will help ease severe labour shortages, yet this warning sign points to heavy financial strain many are facing.

Cash flow forecasting

We all want to be in control of our retirement plans and feel confident we can stop working when we want to so that we can enjoy the retirement we deserve.

We use sophisticated cash flow forecasting software and together we can plan and analyse your financial goals, review how changing circumstances could impact this plan and to see how likely it is these financial goals can be achieved.

If you are worried about how your current situation and the cost of living could impact on your retirement savings, we are here to talk through your options. To find out more, please speak to us.

Important information: A pension is a long-term investment not normally accessible until age 55 (57 from April 2028 unless plan has a protected pension age). The value of your investments (and any income from them) can go down as well as up which would have an impact on the level of pension benefits available. Your pension income could also be affected by the interest rates at the time you take your benefits.

Source data: [1] Survey conducted by Opinium among 2,000 UK adults between 21-25 October 2022.

State Pension boosting deadline extended to April 2025

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State Pension boosting deadline extended to April 2025

  • Ensure you are eligible to receive the full State Pension
  • Consider buying extra National Insurance Contributions. You have until April 2025. The standard cost for a week is £15.85
  • Check to see if you can receive the maximum amount of £203.85 (how much you will get depends on how many ‘qualifying’ NI years you have)
  • State Pension Forecast Calculator – check your NI payments record at

Get in touch with us today for independent financial advice on your retirement planning.

The deadline to top up missing National Insurance years has been extended

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Check you are entitled to full State Pension, the deadline has been extended for topping any missing National Insurance Contributions.

Chartered Financial Planner, Colin Welsh, discusses the increase to the State Pension, why it is an important part of retirement planning and how you can check what you are entitled to.

State Pension boost to deadline extended to April 2025

560 315 Jess Easby

Check you are entitled to full State Pension, deadline extended for topping any missing National Insurance Contributions.

The deadline to top up missing national insurance years between 2006 and 2016 has been extended to 5th April 2025, with the price of doing so remaining frozen at current costs during this period. This means that you will have more time to check your record and see if you can increase your State Pension when its time to claim.

Thanks to ‘transitional arrangements’ brought in when the new state pension system started in 2016, you have the opportunity to check your NI forecast and make any adjustments necessary.

Why NI years are important in calculating the amount of State Pension you will receive

The maximum amount of full State Pension you can receive as of April 2023 is £203.85 a week, but how much you will get depends on how many ‘qualifying’ NI years you have.

Many will likely need 35-40 qualifying NI years, and the ‘transitional arrangements’ mean you can pay extra contributions to plug any gaps in your NI record dating back to 2006.

If you are male and born after 5 April 1951 and female and born after 5 April 1953 you have until 5 April 2025 to buy additional contributions, after which you can only fill gaps going back six tax years.

If you were born before these dates, you have up to 6 years after you reach State Pension age to top up contributions and to increase your State Pension.

Step 1

If you have not yet reached state pension age, go to the State Pension Forecast Calculator to check out your NI payments record

Step 2

Consider buying extra contributions for any gaps showing on your record.

The standard cost of buying ‘Class 3’ National Insurance contributions is £15.85 for a week of missing contributions in the 2022-23 tax year. It would cost you £824.20 for an entire year.

If you are looking to fill gaps that occurred in the past two tax years, you would pay the rate from those years. Voluntary contributions for gaps in 2021-22 cost £15.40 per week, for gaps in 2020-21, the cost is £15.30 per week.

For those able to fill gaps between 2006 and 2016 (men born after 5 April 1951 and women born after 5 April 1953), the cost for a week is £15.40.

Step 3

Who should buy additional contributions?

If you are close to State Pension age and do not have enough qualifying years to get the full State Pension

If you know you are going to ‘run out of time’ during the remainder of your working life to be able to secure the necessary number of qualifying years to receive the full State Pension

If you are self-employed and don’t have to pay Class 2 contributions because you have low profits or live outside the UK, but you want to qualify

It is always important to seek qualified, independent financial advice when planning for your retirement or when trying to calculate your retirement income.

Pension pot options

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What can I do with my pension pot?

  1. Leave it untouched for now and take the money later
  2. Receive a guaranteed income (annuity)
  3. Receive an adjustable income (flexi-access drawdown)
  4. Take cash in lump sums (drawdown)
  5. Cash in your whole pot in one go
  6. Mix your options

For more guidance on your pension planning options, please get in touch.

Flexi-access drawdown

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Financial Adviser, Andy King, discusses flexi-access drawdown.

Flexi-access drawdown is one of the pension fund options at retirement and can also be referred to as flexible retirement income, or flexible income drawdown.

Choosing the best way to use your pension fund is complicated so it is important to seek professional financial advice to help you understand your options and to make the best decisions for your hard earned pension pot.

What can I do with my pension pot

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Grow and protect your pension, both now and in the future.

For most, retirement will be funded in the main by a pension. It is therefore vital you have a robust plan in place that will allow you to grow and protect your pension, both now and in the future.

With ever-changing rules and regulations, we now have a pension system that is often difficult to navigate, putting many of using this as a savings vehicle.

When it comes to deciding how to use your pension pot, there’s no one ‘right answer’. The earliest you can start getting a Defined Contribution pension is usually when you’re 55 – you should check this with your pension provider. You might be able to get your pension sooner if you’re retiring due to ill health.

What are your pension options to consider?

Leave your pension pot untouched for now and take the money later

It’s up to you when you take your money. You might have reached the normal retirement date under the scheme or received a pack from your pension provider, but that doesn’t mean you have to take the money now. If you delay taking your pension until a later date, your pot continues to grow tax-free, potentially providing more income once you access it. If you do not take your money, we can check the investments and charges under the contract.

Receive a guaranteed income (annuity)

You can use your whole pension pot, or part of it, to buy an annuity. It typically gives you a regular and guaranteed income. You can normally withdraw up to a quarter (25%) of your pot as a one-off tax-free lump sum, then convert the rest into an annuity, providing a taxable income for life.

Some older policies may allow you to take more than 25% as tax-free cash We can review this with your pension provider. There are different lifetime annuity options and features to choose from that affect how much income you would get.

Receive an adjustable income (flexi-access drawdown)

With this option, you can normally take up to 25% (a quarter) of your pension pot, or of the amount you allocate for pension drawdown, as a tax-free lump sum, then re-invest the rest into funds designed to provide you with a regular taxable income. You set the income you want, though this might be adjusted periodically depending on the performance of your investments. Unlike with a lifetime annuity, your income isn’t guaranteed for life, so you need to manage your investments carefully.

Take cash in lump sums (drawdown)

How much and when you take your money is up to you. You can use your existing pension pot to take cash as and when you need it and leave the rest untouched, where it can continue to grow tax-free. For each cash withdrawal, normally the first 25% (quarter) is tax-free, and the rest counts as taxable income.

There might be charges each time you make a cash withdrawal and/or limits on how many withdrawals you can make each year. With this option, your pension pot isn’t re-invested into new funds specifically chosen to pay you a regular income, and it won’t provide for a dependent after you die. There are also tax implications to consider that we can discuss with you.

Cash in your whole pot in one go

You can do this, but there are certain things you need to think about. There are clear tax implications from withdrawing all your money from a pension. Taking your whole pot as cash could mean you end up with a large tax bill – for most people, it will be more tax-efficient to use one of the other options. Cashing in your pension pot will not give you a secure retirement income.

Mix your options

You don’t have to choose one option: you can mix them over time or over your total pot when deciding how to access your pension. You can mix and match as you like and take cash and income at different times to suit your needs. You can also keep saving into a pension if you wish and get tax relief up to age 75.

Financial situation at retirement

It is important to sum up the pros and cons of taking an annuity vs drawdown.

The way you draw an income from your pension is likely to be largely determined by your financial situation at retirement. Will you, for example, still be paying of your mortgage, or do you have any other significant debts? What other income sources, aside from the State Pension, will you have at your disposal?

While an annuity can offer you the security of a guaranteed regular income, a drawdown plan gives you the chance to grow your pension and overall wealth during retirement. The latter route is likely to suit those with a stronger appetite for risk, as any significant market swings could potentially cause serious damage to your pension savings.

For more information on our pension planning services, please do not hesitate to get in touch to start your financial planning journey today.

Annuity vs Drawdown

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Ensure your retirement strategy meets your needs and goals

Pension annuities

Benefits Risks
Provides guaranteed income for life and cannot be affected by market fluctuations. If you pass away shortly after taking one, you won’t benefit from the full value you paid upfront.
Some policies guarantee indexation meaning the pension will rise with inflation over time. Rates tend to be lower when interest rates fall, so you may get less than you had hoped for when taking your pension.

Pension Drawdown

Benefits Risks
Offers more flexibility and money can be taken when it is needed. Markets can potentially be volatile and there may be no guaranteed income from investments.
Any money left in the drawdown pot will not be liable for Inheritance Tax. If too much is taken out of your drawdown pot, then you could face hefty tax bills.

Retirement planning services

It’s important that professional advice is taken before deciding upon a retirement strategy. The right strategy should be tailored to the individual’s needs and circumstances.